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Corybas rotundifolius (Hook. f.) Rchb. f.
Plant: Small, delicate, 2-4 cm high.
Stem: slender, 2.5-5 cm long.
Leaf: sessile, orbicular, cordate, acuminate or apiculate, 1.2 cm broad, 1.2-2.5 cm. long, membranous when dry, showing 1 or 2 circular veins on each side of the midrib connected by transverse veinlets. Leaves 2 in the juvenile.
Peduncle: short
Bracts: 2, small, erect, acute
Flower: about 0.8 cm long, horizontal or deflexed, purplish-green
Dorsal sepal: very narrow at the base, broadened above and hood-shaped, arched over the lip.
Lateral sepals: small, linear-subulate, seldom more than ½ as long as the lip.
Lateral petals: small, linear-subulate, seldom more than ½ as long as the lip
Lip: large, tubular, the margins meeting behind the column and enclosing it, orbicular-cordate when spread out, apex truncate, entire or very slightly denticulate, inward-facing labellar calli confined to the median line and extending back into the throat, short near the apex but much longer towards the column, and ceasing abruptly 3 mm from it.
Auricles: rounded
Column: stout, erect or curved?, basal callus prominent, another recurved at the tip.
Capsule: on peduncle elongating up to 10 cm
Type: New Zealand, upper Manawatu River, near village of Puehutai, Colenso, 2 April 1846
Distribution: North Island: Auckland — Kaitaia (Mongonui County); upper Manawatu River, near village of Puehutai. Specimens in herbaria suggest that it once extended much further south
Ecology: Small groups on clay banks, scrub and light forest between Warkworth and North Cape
Elevation: Sea level