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Corybas taiwanensis T.P. Lin & S.Y. Leu
Plant: small terrestrial herb
Tuber: roundish, 3-4 mm by 3mm
Rhizome: terete, pilose, 1.5cm long, 1-1.2 mm in diameter
Stem: erect, terete, glabrous, about 1.7 cm long, 1.5 mm in diameter
Cataphyll: scale-like
Leaf: solitary, cordate, acute, 1.5cm by 1.6cm, with reticulate venation
Peduncle: almost none ("flower almost sessile")
Bract: lanceolate, acuminate, 5 mm long
Ovary: short, about 3mm long
Flower: terminal, solitary, almost sessile, light violet-red
Dorsal sepals: linear, incurved, 1.3cm by 2 mm, obtuse
Lateral sepals: filiform, 1 cm long (assumed reversed)
Lateral petals: filiform, located on the ventral side of the lip, coherent at base; coherent part .3mm long, the divergent part 1cm long
Labellum: rather large, tubular, rotund-elliptic when flattened out, 1.7cm by 1cm, dilated into a broad limb strongly recurved in the medium region; disc marked with several parallel dark red striations and fimbriate on the front margin
Spurs: deeply bilobed to form 2 saccate horns, 3 mm long
Column: oblong, 3.5 mm long; pollinia 4, in pairs, granular, 1.2 mm long, yellow; viscid disc elliptic; stigma protruding, cupular.
Type: TAOYUAN, Nachiehshan, S. Y. Leu 2093, Aug. 4 1974, deposited in the herbarium of National Taiwan University (type, TAI).
Ecology: Shaded mossy cliff in a Chamaecyparis forest at about 1400 m.
Elevation: 1400 m