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Corybas abellianus Dockrill
Leaves: 5-20 x 5-18 mm, more or less cordiform, the margins sometimes sinuate, the main veins generally white.
Peduncle: 2-4 mm long, elongating to as long as 70 mm, although generally much shorter, if ovules have been fertilized.
Bract: subtending the pedicel sheathing, about 3 mm long, acuminate.
Flower: generally nutant, 6-10 mm long, reddish purple with the front lobe of the labellum white.
Dorsal sepal: 6-10 x 4-8 mm, in the form of a shallow galea over the remainder of the flower, curved through about 180 deg, narrowing towards the base, obtuse, proximal half translucent..
Lateral Sepals: deflexed, about 0.5 mm long, very narrow triangular.
Lateral Petals: generally more or less porrect although often crossing each other, about 1.0 mm long, very narrow triangular.
Labellum: 5-8 mm long; hypochile tubular and slightly longer than the epichile which is greatly expanded to about three-and-a-half times the diam. of the orifice of the tube; at the bottom of the anterior margin is a decurved cupulate lobe, about 2.0 mm diam., which has decurved margins
Spurs: directed downwards, generally about 3 mm long, narrow conical.
Column: including the anther, generally about 3 mm long; at the anterior of the base is a large staminode, about l x l mm, which is rounded on top, stigma subcircular, very prominent, its upper margin projecting above the floor of the clinandrium, anther very large relative to the column, almost the same length as the body of the column, subovate, slightly constricted in the distal third, pollinia compressed narrow ovoid; retinaculum with a diam. almost as long as a pollinium.