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Corybas acuminatus M.A. Clem. & Hatch
Subgenus: CorysanthesSection: Nematoceras
Synonyms: 2
Plant: flowering up to 6 cm high.
Leaf: sessile, up to 4 cm long x 2 cm broad, ovate-acuminate, repand, cordate at the base; light green above, silvery below, with conspicuous reddish veining; leaves of young plants reniform or broadly cordate, apiculate, without the reddish veining
Bract: shortly caudate, secondary bract subulate.
Flower: usually solitary, sessile, more or less translucent, with dull red striae.
Dorsal sepal: up to 4 cm long, extended into a horizontal filiform cauda.
Lateral sepals: filiform, erect and very long, exceeding the flower by as much as 6 cm.
Lateral petals: similar, smaller, horizontal or deflexed.
Labellum: lamina expanded, abruptly deflexed, mucronate, the margins irregularly fimbriate or entire.
Auricles: rounded
Column: hidden in the flower, very short, with a large basal callus, wings minutely denticulate and exceeding the anther; stigma orbicular, pollinia 4, massulate.
Capsule: on peduncle elongating up to 18 cm high.