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Corybas carinatus (J.J. Sm.) Schltr.
Plant: small
Tuber: small, spherical or oval, long hairy, c. 0.3-0.5 cm thick.
Rhizome: long, greenish.
Stem: upright, stem round, with a longitudinal furrow in front, glabrous, pale greenish, c. 1.2-2.5 cm long
Cataphyll: long, ovate, pointed, keeled, wavy, transparent, greenish, c. 0.6-0.95 cm long
Leaf: held horizontal, embracing stem, heart-shaped, coming to a fine point, with rounded basal lobes and protruding midrib below, with c. 4 lateral veins arcuate anastomosing, slightly protruding lateral nerves above, green, pale dotted on the edge, matte above, shiny below, in total c. 1.7-2.4 cm long, excluding the lobes 1.35-1.9 cm long, 1.3-2 cm wide
Peduncle: very short, single-veined
Bract: upright, fairly linear, channeled, light green, c. 1 cm long
Ovary: triangular, 6-furrowed, light green, c. 0.37 cm long.
Flower: upright, c. 1.6-2.4 cm long
Dorsal sepal: large, upright, the tip curved forward like a helmet, spatulate, very concave, with broad linear, c. 1-1.2 cm long, 0.37-0.4 cm wide claw and rounded, with a short tip, c. 0.75-1.1 cm long and almost equally wide blade, with 5 nerves protruding very strongly on the outside, the outer ones of which give off a weaker lateral nerve on the limb, greenish white, inside on the plate with 7 interrupted, wine-red longitudinal stripes.
Lateral sepals: obliquely erect, parallel to each other, the tips recurved, somewhat coherent at the bottom, linear, the lower half roughly greenish white, the upper light green, in the middle more or less with a purple design, c. 1.15-1.25 cm long, 0.07 cm wide.
Lateral petals: linear-filiform, laterally compressed, with a longitudinal furrow, concave at the bottom, colored like the sepals, c. 1.6-2 cm long, at the bottom 0.1 cm wide
Labellum: large, upright, curved forward, tubular funnel-shaped rolled up with overlapping edges, irregularly serrated on the edge, inside papillose, inside with a fleshy callus, transparent, whitish, at the bottom inside dark purple, the extended part with c. 21 curved, irregularly delimited, dark purple long stripes, dotted on the edge (margin punctuated), lip in the natural position c. 1.25-1.6 cm long
Spurs: obliquely pointed downward, away from each other, conical, acute, dark purple inside, c. 0.4 - 0.5 cm long
Column: small, thinner than the ovary, greenish white, c. 0.27 cm long; stigma transverse oval, with a strongly raised edge
From original description by JJ Smith