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Cyrtostylis robusta D.L. Jones & M.A. Clem.
Genus: Cyrtostylis
Plant: Slender herb to 25 cm tall.
Leaf: 3-6 cm x 2.5-4 cm, broadly ovate to reniform, light to medium green above, pellucid beneath, secondary veins forming ridges on the underside, margins entire.
Peduncle: 10-17 cm x ca. 1 mm, slender, stiffly erect.
Inflorescence: With 2-7 flowers, pedicels 1-2 mm long.
Floral Bracts: 3-4 mm X ca. 2.5 mm, ovate, acute.
Flowers: 12-14 mm long, pinkish red, segments slender, except the labellum.
Dorsal Sepal: 11-15 mm x 2-2.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, erect or incurved, obtuse.
Lateral Sepals: 10-12 mm X ca. 1 mm, linear-lanceolate, somewhat falcate, usually more or less parallel beneath the labellum, acuminate.
Lateral Petals: 10-12.5 mm x ca. 1 mm, linear, acuminate, spreading or recurved.
Labellum: 11-15 mm x 4.5-6 mm, oblong, projecting forward or more or less decurved, flat or sometimes shallowly curved upward, usually darker than the other segments, distal margins crenulate, apex acute to mucronate; basal glands 0.5-0.7 mm long, conical, erect or curved, red with a dark central apex, connected to a linear central plate approximately 0.8 x 1.2 mm.
Column: 4.5-5 mm long, abruptly curved at 70-90 degrees near the middle, swollen and more or less auriculate at the base, winged in the distal third, the wings 1.2-1.5 mm wide. Anther cap approximately 1 mm X 1 mm, ovate, obtuse. Stigma approximately 0.5 mm X 0.5 mm, more or less rectangular, sunken. Pollinia approximately 1 mm X 0.5 mm, boomerang-shaped, falcate, yellow, mealy.
Capsule: Approximately 12 mm X 5 mm, obovoid.
Type: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: ca. 5 kilometers south of Jerramungup, 28 Aug. 1986, D. L. Jones 2410 (Holotype: CBG; Isotypes: CBG, AD, K)