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Corybas sagittatus S.P.Lyon
Plant: terrestrial herb
Tuber: ovoid, 3 × 4 mm, young tuberoids fusiform
Stem: slightly angular, 23 mm long
Cataphyll: 5 mm long, apex subulate
Leaf: dark green with paler midrib above, mottled with purplish red between veins below, sessile, sagittate with large, backwards-pointing auricles, c. 14 × 9 mm, rugose, glabrous, margins strongly undulate, apex acute and apiculate, veins reticulate, only a single lateral vein on either side of midrib
Peduncle: greenish, c. 1.5 mm long
Bract: green, narrowly triangular 7 mm long, apex subulate
Ovary: cylindrical, 5.5 mm long, ribbed
Flower: solitary, porrect at c. 45° angle, Colors as follows: Dorsal sepal greenish-white, lateral petals and sepals greenish-white, outer labellum tube greenish-white with purple streaks along length, spurs purple, inner surface of blade dark purple, column whitish with darkly pigmented anther, ovary greenish
Dorsal sepal: nearly linear, 16.5 × 3 mm, slightly keeled, glabrous, abruptly acuminate terminating in c. 3.5 mm long arista, 5-veined
Lateral sepals: filiform, 9 mm long, emerging from behind spurs
Lateral petals: linear or falcate, 1.5 mm long
Labellum: from tubular basal part, abruptly curved downward and spreading into a 4.5 mm wide, expanded pyriform blade, c. 7 mm long when flattened out, inner surface of blade densely hispid, margins of blade denticulate, opening to floral tube shallowly and squarely notched
Spurs: narrowly conical, c. 2.5 mm long
Column: upright, 2 × 1 mm; ventral pad 1.5 × 1 mm
Capsule: not seen
Type: Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province, Huon Peninsula, Hoboc, December 2011, S.P. Lyon SPL 419 (holotype L).
Distribution: Endemic to New Guinea, presently known from only two locations on the Huon Peninsula of Papua New Guinea (Morobe Province).
Ecology: Terrestrial in thick moss, in somewhat open montane forest
Elevation: c. 1600–1900 m.