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Corybas finisterrianus S.P.Lyon
Subgenus: CorybasSection: Gastrosiphon
Plant: terrestrial herb
Tuber: ovoid to slightly fusiform, 5-7 × 4-5 mm
Stem: slightly angular, 9 mm long
Cataphyll: 3 mm long, acute with subulate apex
Leaf: grayish green with pink midrib and margins above, flushed pink below, sessile, cordate with well-developed auricles, 7–9 × 5 mm, glabrous, margins undulate, apex acute, apiculate; veins reticulate, with two lateral veins on either side of the midrib, the outermost extending most of the way to the apex before anastomosing with inner lateral veins
Peduncle: less than 1 mm long
Bract: reddish, linear-lanceolate, 5–6 mm long
Ovary: cylindrical, 4 mm long, ridged
Flower: solitary, upright; colors as follows: Dorsal sepal white on outer surface, red inside, lateral sepals white with red tips, lateral petals white, outer surface of labellum tube white at base, red in central part on sides of tube, spurs white, inner surface of blade pink shading to red at apex, column whitish green with irregular red markings, ovary reddish
Dorsal sepal: broadly obovate, broadly rounded at apex and hooded over labellum, 23–31 × 7–11 mm; veins 5 at base, variously branching and anastomosing towards apex, midrib weakly crested
Lateral sepals: filiform, slightly curved, 8–11 mm long, emerging from behind spurs and typically pointing outwards to sides of flower
Lateral petals: filiform, 3.5 mm long, forward-pointing
Labellum: from tubular basal part, ventral part of tube inflated and laterally compressed, abruptly curved downward and spreading into a 6 mm wide, triangular-ovate blade, c. 10 mm long when flattened out, inner surface of blade pubescent, margins recurved and minutely fimbriate, apex broadly acute, opening to floral tube deeply notched
Spurs: triangular, 2 mm long
Column: erect, 3 × 2 mm; ventral pad slightly 3-lobed, 1.5 × 2 mm
Capsule: not seen
Type: Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province, Finisterre Range, Yawan area, January 2012, S.P. Lyon SPL 437 (holotype LAE, isotype L).
Distribution: Endemic to New Guinea, presently known only from the Yawan area of the Finisterre Range in Papua New Guinea (Morobe Province).
Ecology: Terrestrial in leaf litter and moss under stunted montane vegetation, on relatively exposed ridges
Elevation: c. 1800–2000 m.