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Stigmatodactylus dalagangpalawanicum A.S.Rob.
Genus: StigmatodactylusSubgenus: Stigmatodactylus
Plant: Terrestrial herbs, ca. 9.0-15.5 cm tall from apex of tuber to inflorescence apex.
Tuber: Globose to ovate, ca. 3.0-4.5 mm, covered with capillary roots to 0.1 mm long, true roots few, emergent from tuber and subterranean portions of stem, 0.5-2.5 cm long.
Stem: Erect, terete, green, glabrous, 5-8 cm long, up to ca. 1.5 mm diameter at the base.
Cataphyll: 3-5 mm, clasping base of stem.
Leaf: Cordate, variably auriculate with a narrow sinus to perfoliate, ca. 1.3(-1.5) ? 0.8(-1.1) cm, glabrous, green, venation darker, somewhat conspicuous, apically anastomosing.
Peduncle: 3.5-8.0 cm.
Infloresence: Erect, terete, narrowing distally to ca. 0.55 mm, rachis 0.8-2.8 cm, green, with 1-7 flowers, 1-2 open simultaneously.
Bract: Leaf-bearing, cordate, sessile, 4-6 mm 3-5 mm, with an acuminate tip.
Ovary: Incl pedicel narrow, green, glabrous, 5-7 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter, terete, finely 6-ribbed longitudinally.
Flower: Facing outwards, resupinate, sepals and petals spreading widely, ca. 1.77(-2.00) ? 1.10(-1.72) cm, somewhat translucent; Labellum purplish red, sometimes fading to a pale margin, petals and sepals predominantly pale, proximally flushed red column basally red, otherwise green, flushed red immediately above anther cap, callus exterior reddish, becoming distally colourless, callus interior deep purplish red.
Dorsal Sepal: Erect, subulate and tubiform from involution of opposing margins, ca. 0.8-1.1 0.6 cm, but up to 1.1 mm wide at the base where opposing margins are not involute.
Lateral Sepals: Subulate, almost 90º from vertical, straight to arcuate, ca. 5.35-8.45 mm long.
Lateral Petals: Linear-subulate, narrowly ovate in section, descending, each ca. 30º from vertical, ca. 5.5-9.5 mm long.
Labellum: Immobile, flat, orbiculate, unlobed, ca. 0.7-0.89 cm in diameter, glabrous, surface minutely sinuate-papillate, margins markedly erose crenulate, apex in some blooms apiculate to acuminate, Callus 2-3 ? 0.6-0.8 mm at base, basally fused to column for ca. 1/3 its length, thereafter deeply channeled, margins diminishing towards notched apex, lateral margins with a short, truncated projection, ca. 0.3 mm long, close to where the callus parts from the column.
Column: At ca. 90 deg to labellum, ca. 6.5-8.5 mm long, ca. 0.6 mm in diam., straight for ca. 2/3 of its length, then curved by ca. 55 deg, keel running ventrally along column from base, terminating in blunt-ended projection at a point 1/3 from base, 0.3-0.6 mm long, vestigial column wings emergent after projection, becoming deeply pronounced, to 0.4 mm, and angular, hyaline, subtending column apex on each side, column apex broadly clavate, rostellum blunt, ca. 0.3 ? 0.4 mm, occasionally darkly coloured, stigma ovate, concave, anther cap creamy white to slightly red suffused, cucullate, suborbiculate, with a median notch, anther bilocular, pollinia 4, mealy, ovoid, butter yellow. Capsule narrowly oblong, ca. 4 mm in diameter, 9 mm long, 6-ribbed.