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Corybas ekuamensis P. Royen
Subgenus: CorybasSection: Gastrosiphon
Synonyms: 2
- holotype: Millar NGF38430 (LAE)
- isotype: Millar NGF38430 (K)
Plant: small, 10 cm high terrestrial.
Tuber: not seen.
Stem: 7 cm high, subimpressed, 2-winged, glabrous.
Cataphyll: tubular, 10 mm long, caudate, 1-nerved, glabrous.
Leaves: erect, infundibular, abruptly reflexed and expanded horizontally at the limb, 15—20mm long overall, conspicuously bicalcarate at the base, spurs 2—3 mm long, tube 10—15 mm long in all, conspicuously inflated dorsally along its entire length, inflated portion longitudinally keeled and strongly compressed laterally, green to greenish-white at the base, gradually darkening to greenish-brown medially, upper portions of the tube and throat purple-brown with irregularly spaced brown blotches, limb broadly cordate, 8—12 by 7—10mm, apex blunt, deflexed, margin inflexed, membranous, irregularly fimbriate-laciniate, central portion of the limb expanded into a hemispherical boss, 6—10 mm wide by 1—2 mm tall, boss, throat and interior of the limb purple-black, laxly, minutely pubescent, limb externally greenish-white, irregularly marked with brown blotches, glabrous.
Pedicel: 1.5 mm long, glabrous.
Bract: linear but ovate at base, 12 by 1.5 mm, acute, glabrous.
Ovary: slightly falcate-ellipsoid, 5 by 3 mm, with 3 wings and 3 flat ribs.
Flower: white on outside, strongly marked on inside with purplish red veins.
Median sepal: from a narrow basal part curved and widened into a hooded, apical, 10 mm long part, obtuse and apiculate, 5-nerved at base, up to 11-nerved and with transverse veins between the nerves on the hood, glabrous.
Lateral sepals: narrowly ovate at base, linear, 4 by 0.8 mm, acute, glabrous.
Lateral petals: similar to lateral sepals but up to 7 by 1 mm.
Lip: from a short, tubular, ventrally inflated base, abruptly curved downward and spreading into a narrowly elliptic limb, 8 by 5 mm large, margins curved inward, coarsely fimbriate, 5-nerved at base, 12-nerved near margin, glabrous
Boss: conoid
Spurs: conoid, by 1.5 mm, obtuse.
Capsule: not seen.
Type: Millar NGF 38430 (LAE).
Distribution: Ekuam (Millar NGF 38439); Ibiwara (Vink 17083).
Ecology: In cushions of moss in montane forest
Elevation: 2590 m