Corybas fimbriatus
Plant: small, 1 - 4.5 cm high terrestrial.
Tuber: ovoid, 3 - 6 mm across.
Stem: 15 - 23 mm long, 2-winged, glabrous.
Cataphyll: tubular, 3 - 6 mm long, acuminate, 3-nerved, glabrous.
Leaves: light glossy green above, pale green below, broadly ovate or orbicular-ovate, sometimes 5-lobed, 22 - 45 by 20 - 38 mm, apiculate, base cordate, cuneate at very base, midrib flat above, prominent below mainly in basal part, basal nerves 5 or 6 on either side of midrib, only the middle reaching up to the apical part, the others branched and looping towards chat nerve, suprabasal nerves none, pellucid lenticels none.
Pedicel: not known
Bract: broadly ovate, shieldlike, 1.2 - 1.5 by 1.2 - 1.5 mm, acute.
Ovary: falcate-cylindric, trigonous, 4.5 - 6 mm long, 6-grooved.
Flower: dark red purple or reddish purple, median sepal purple spotted on hood
Median sepal: broadly spathulate, cucullate, 23 - 30 by 10 - 15 mm, obtusely apiculate, 3-nerved at base, 15-nerved along margin of hood, glabrous.
Lateral sepals: between the auricles, sepals connate at base (?probably petals), linear with ovately widened base, 4.2 - 5.5 mm long, sepals usually longer than petals (?), subulate in apical part, petals (?) sometimes bifid at tip.
Lateral petals: between the auricles, petals (assumed reversed) connate at base, all linear with ovately widened base, 4.2 - 5.5 mm long, sepals usually longer than petals (?), all subulate in apical part, petals sometimes bifid at tip.
Lip: tubular in lower 4-7 mm, abruptly curved and widened in apical part into an orbicular limb, 12 - 18 mm across, margin coarsely fimbriate, often inflexed, 3-nerved at base, 25-nerved near margin, glabrous or finely hispid-papillate in throat, less so towards margin
Boss: in throat of lip purplish red.
Auricles: large, narrow.
Capsule: ovoid, 7 by 4 mm, 6-ribbed.
Type: Brown s.n. (BM).
Distribution: New South Wales, Port Jackson (Brown s.n.); Glenbrook (Scarmell s.n.) - Australian Capital Territory, Black Mountain (McKee 11676). - Tasmania, Southport (von Mueller).
Ecology: On moist sandy sheltered ground in open forest near coast