Corybas fordhamii
Plant: small, 20 - 38 mm high terrestrial.
Tuber: ovoid, 1.5 - 2.5 mm across.
Stem: 5 - 8 mm high, 3-winged, glabrous.
Cataphyll: infundibuliform, 2.5 - 3 mm long, acute, 1-nerved, glabrous.
Leaves: green on both sides, cordate, 13 by 10 mm, minutely apiculate, base cordate, margin slightly wavy, midrib grooved above in the basal part only, prominent below, basal nerves 2 on either side of midrib, only the inner one reaching apical part of limb, suprabasal nerves 2 on either side of midrib, connate to inner basal nerve; pellucid lenticels none.
Pedicel: 9 - 12 mm long, glabrous.
Bract: elliptic-oblong, 3-5 - 4 mm long, acute, glabrous.
Ovary: oblong, trigonous. 6.5 - 8 mm long, 6-grooved, glabrous.
Flower: reddish purple, median sepal paler towards tip, lip striate with reddish purple bands, at tip on inside with a dark purple spot.
Median sepal: cuneate-spathulate, cucullate, 12 by 6 mm, retuse, 3-nerved at base, 9-nerved on the hood, midrib subprominent along entire length on outside, elongate-papillate along margin of incision and in apical part of hood.
Lateral sepals: oblong, 6 - 8 mm long, acute, 1-nerved.
Lateral petals: linear, 1 mm long.
Lip: from a very short, tubular, basal part, 1 - 2 mm long, abruptly curved and slightly tubular, widened into a 2-lipped, 7 - 8 mm long, tubular limb, upper lip rounded and retuse, lower lip truncate and retuse, all 4 lobes obtuse and their margins entire, entire lip 3-nerved at base, 9 - 12- nerved near margin, elongate-papillate along margins of the 4 lobes and on inside in apical part of lower lip only
Auricles: roundish.
Capsule: not seen.
Type: lectotype: Fordham s.n. (K).
Distribution: South Australia, Mount Lofty Range, Square Water Hole swamps near Mount Compass (Nash s.n.). - New South Wales, Brunswick Heads (Fordham s.n.).
Ecology: In coastal scrub