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Corybas incurvus D.L. Jones & M.A. Clem.
Subgenus: CorysanthesSection: Corysanthes
Synonyms: 1
Leaf: 15-30 mm x 15-25 mm, broadly ovate to cordate, sometimes lobed, green above, almost crystalline beneath.
Peduncle: about 2 mm long. subtended by an ovate bract about 3 mm long.
Ovary: 3.5 mm long.
Flower: 15-22 mm long, dark purple, dominated by the dorsal sepal and labellum
Dorsal sepal: 18-22 mm x 12-14 mm when flattened out, spathulate-oblong, greenish-grey with dark purple spots and striations, cucullate but not exceeding the labellum lamina.
Lateral sepals: about 5 mm x 0.5mm, linear- acuminate, connate at the expanded base, upcurved or spreading obliquely.
Lateral petals: about 3mm x 0.5mm, linear-acuminate, joined at the base to the lateral sepals, the tips sometimes bidentate.
Labellum: conspicuous; labellum- tube about 6 mm long, erect then curving gently through 180° and expanding into the lamina; lamina 10-15 mm x 10-15 mm, broadly ovate, dark purple, with conspicuously incurved, denticulate margins
Boss: mounded, white, conspicuous, notched; callus with a few backward sloping teeth near the junction of the tube and the lamina
Auricles: short, directed downwards, with openings about 1.5 mm across.
Column: about 2.5 mm long, erect, broadest at the base, minutely winged, stigma about 1.5mm across, oblong, concave, viscidium about 0.5 mm across, oblong, anther about I mm long, blunt, entire, pollinia about 1mm long, oblong, mealy.
Distribution: Northern tablelands of New South Wales, south through Victoria, Tasmania and southern South Australia.
Ecology: Very common species which grows in colonies (often congested) in moist forests and heathlands. It is also rarely found in dry sclerophyll forests.