Corybas leucotyle
Plant: Small, 3.5 cm high terrestrial.
Tuber: not known
Stem: not known
Cataphyll: not known
Leaves: dark velvety green with sparkling pinkish red veins; broadly ovate, 20 - 28 by 14 - 20 mm, acuminate, base cordate.
Pedicel: not known
Bract: lanceolate-subulate, about 3 mm long.
Ovary: obliquely obovoid-oblong, about 3 mm long.
Median sepal: green on outside, dark purple on inside, obovate-spathulate, 17 mm long, from a narrow, boatshaped claw curving into a hooded apical part, obtuse, the 5 main nerves on hood thickened.
Lateral sepals: linear-subulate, 9 mm long.
Lateral petals: linear-subulate, twisted in apical part, 22 mm long.
Lip: dark purple, in throat with a large shiny white boss, from a tubular basal part abruptly curved downward and spreading into a reniform limb, apiculate, margin densely serrate
Boss: large, heartshaped
Spurs: conoid, very short, obtuse.
Capsule: not seen.
Type: Schlechter 19814 (B, + ).
Distribution: Govidjoa River
Ecology: In moss on boulders along river in montane forest
Elevation: 1200 m