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Corybas longipedunculatus P. Royen
Corybas longipedunculatus P. Royen
Synonyms: 1
- holotype: Lavarack NGF31477 (LAE)
- isotype: Lavarack NGF31477 (K)
Plant: A terrestrial herb.
Stem: erect, 4.5-6 cm long, terete.
Leaf: solitary, cordate, apiculate, 2-2.2 cm long, 1.5-1.7 cm wide.
Peduncle: 5-18 mm long (*including flower?)
Bract: ovate, apiculate, 4-12 mm long.
Ovary: 4-5 mm long
Flower: translucent green with streaks of red or purple
Dorsal sepal: obovate, acute, 1.2-2 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide
Lateral sepals: linear, 8-12 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide
Lateral petals: linear, 8-12 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide
Labellum: tubular below, elliptic above, 18 mm long, 16 mm wide
Spurs: 2, short.
Type: Bougainville, Lavarack & Ridsdale in NGF 31477 (holotype LAE!, isotype K!).
Distribution: Bougainville, Guadalcanal and Rendova.
Ecology: In moss cushions in montane forest
Elevation: 900-2000 m.