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Corybas subalpinus P. Royen
Subgenus: CorybasSection: Gastrosiphon
Synonyms: 1
- isotype: van Royen NGF16151 (BPBM)
- isotype: van Royen NGF16151 (BPBM)
- holotype: van Royen NGF16151 (LAE)
- isotype: van Royen NGF16151 (L)
Plant: Small, 8 cm high, terrestrial or epiphyte.
Tuber: globose, 3 mm across.
Stem: white, 3.5 mm long, 3-sided, narrowly winged, glabrous.
Cataphyll: tubular, 6 mm long, acuminate, glabrous.
Leaves: dark green with white veins above, dark purple below and midrib white, cordate or triangular-ovate, 15 - 18 (- 30) by 10 - 14(- 16) mm, acute, base cuneate, midrib impressed above, prominulous below, basal nerves 2 on either side of midrib, only inner one reaching apical part, suprabasal nerves 6 on either side of midrib, connate to inner basal nerve, margin wrinkled; with numerous pellucid lenticels.
Pedicel: 2 mm long, glabrous.
Bract: linear, ovate at base, 7 - 15 mm long, subulate in apical part, glabrous.
Ovary: pink, curved cylindric-claviform, 5 by 2 mm, 6-ribbed, glabrous.
Median sepal: dark purple, 22 - 25 mm long, from a narrow boatshaped base gradually widening and 6 - 10 mm wide in apical third, above that subabruptly hoodshaped widened to 32 mm, rounded and folded at tip, many-nerved.
Lateral sepals: glabrous, 5 - 11 mm long, sepals shorter than petals (?).
Lateral petals: glabrous, 5 - 11 mm long, sepals shorter than petals. (assumed reversed, petals 5-8?)
Lip: white with dark purple spots and stripes on inside, tubular in basal part, abruptly curved downward and spreading into an orbicular, 7- 10 mm wide limb, tube ventrally inflated and laterally compressed, margin long-fimbriate but towards the lateral parts these hairs also on inside along margin
Boss: globose-ovoid, 6 by 3 by 3 mm
Spurs: conoid or cylindric, 2 - 3 mm long, obtuse.
Capsule: not seen.
Type: van Royen NGF 16151 (L).
Distribution: Mount Enggom (van Royen NGF 16151); above Keglsugl (Millar NGF 23171, Wade ANU 7562).
Ecology: In moss cushions at base of shrubs in mossy upper montane forests and subalpine shrubberies on wet muddy slopes
Elevation: 2590 - 3050 m